I don't normally take too many pictures during construction, but here a few. The above is a locker system: drawers below and
coatracks with doors above, which I still have to do. The upper part will have rosettes and fluted trim between the doors, with a large crown above.

The center cabinet is for
pc towers, desk space on either side with pencil drawers, then lower cabinets/open shelves above. The big ones are pull out shelves on the left one, and a kind of coat pantry with shelves on the right. Everything has a
beadboard back, and will be painted a creamy color, then antiqued. Rosettes and fluted trim will be on the bookcases, and crown will wrap the entire thing.
So just in case you've been wondering, this is what I do to pass the time while I listen to Arturo Azurdia III's
Hebrews series.
It's a beautiful thing that you do, Kev. Handywork, beauty, goodness, useful, helpful. This is good, honest, excellent work.
so pretty! and, i never thought i would hear kjs use the words 'rosettes', or 'fluted trim' in my life time. however, he does it with a certain manliness that becomes him. good job, kev.
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