Monday, June 01, 2009

Spring clean-out

I was rummaging through the dusty attic of my inbox the other day to clean it up a bit. Ya know, organize, erase, and otherwise... And I came across an email I sent to a good buddy of mine. He had suggested I post it months ago, but I thought it might offend. I guess I wiser back then...

Hear now the final word on the Egalitarianism vs. Complimentarianism debate:

Egalitarianism= BAD Complimentarianism= GOOD Here's why...

Do you know what egalitarianism means? let me break it down for you...
E- stands for the internet, spreader of bad things in general: Porn, Wikepedia, Disney email chain letters, Joe the Plumber, etc.
Gal- indicates a heavy connection with the fairer sex, another sign of trouble.
I- and you know anything that puts I in the center can't be all good. There's no "I" in team whatsoever...
T- the one bright spot here, hopefully Irish Breakfast. I prefer mine with a little cream and sugar. My wife thinks it's gay, so I drink it with shot of vodka to give some man balance.
Arian- We all know that's a bad word.
Ism- That's just how you end such a big, complecated word that no one knows the meaning of. It lets you say, "Hey, I bet you don't even know what E-Gal-I-T-Arian- is, M?

And on the other side, everybody likes a compliment...

Case closed, have a nice day.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

You make me laugh. I love you.