But as in all stories, the trail doesn't stay smooth for very long... after an abrupt left turn, their way begins to lead up, up and up again. The ground is no longer friendly, but now large rocks dot the path, making it difficult to walk unhindered. Every step must be chosen correctly, for to turn an ankle would almost certainly end in cannibalism.

At last, after hours of climbing, they conquer Flume Mountain, its panorama a delight to the giggly children inside them. Still they know they must continue on, for one more crest and the steep descent to camp lie yet ahead.

The next morning, our travelers rise with the dawn and embark on day two, stiff but hopeful of what the day holds. From time to time, they arrive at crossroads, and must choose the right of the left. And it is not always the road less travelled that makes all the difference. Sometimes, there is just a good reason why it is less travelled...

At first, the trail climbs steadily, promising trials similar to yesterday. But then suddenly, the path evens out and the quiet smell of Christmas wafts through the air. Flat trail makes them want to run, and day two finds hiker and pack melded together to form an unstoppable traveling machine, ready to take on anything.

It is now that all their hard work begins to pay off. When the crest of Little Haystack is finally reached, they are an island in a sea of fog. Mystery shrouds the valley below, and even their own B.O. is lost in the smell of accomplishment.

When on top of a beautiful mountain with a beautiful woman, even the most insecure man forgets he is wearing spandex leggings and can pose without shame.

The Object of all their hard work and toil is now in their sight: Franconia Ridge, 1.8 miles of totally exposed ridge high above the surrounding wilderness. Strangely, it's an experience that makes a fellow wish he'd packed his kilt after all, for this of all places, would be the place to wear it.

because here the camera died.
I am loving your blog Kevin! I'm glad you are updating about your trip! The pictures are awesome! I am bummed your camera died.
Are you going to let me in on what happened to the critters?
looks like great fun. too bad for the poor mice. thanks for the vivid imagery in word and...images.
AWESOME post and pictures! I've been dying to hear how the trip went. Love your blurb above the pic of you with your arms outstretched, very funny.
Bummer about the camera, but it looks like you guys got some good pics in anyway! Thanks for sharing them!
That camera was a good man.
But he would have wanted you to go on.
Very entertaining post. I guess we can add storyteller to your resume. Oh wait, you always told good stories, relishing every twist and turn, building the suspence. This takes me back to stories in an apartment.
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