It's a question of
Whodunnit, or for that matter,
whattheheckdidtheydo? I will give a brief description and a few details, and then you finish the story, with as much explanation as possible. Over the course of the next week or so, I will periodically update with more facts, until the collectively we can take a vote and decide what fate befell these poor rodents.
#1- Approximately 6 miles into our backpacking trip, my wife and I looked down to see the above picture: a pile of dead mice right in the middle of the trail. What happened to them? How did they get there?
Allow me to inquire further...
Where were YOU (imagine I am pointing my pipe at, for I am) on the night in question?
And also, were they stuck together? As in, are they in a nice little cconglomoration of death? Or are they isolated corpses? Also, were they found exactly as they are pictured, or was the evidence tampered with by suspect #1 (aka Kevin Jack Smith)?
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